Markers to Render Queue
Exports sections of timeline covered by markers. 1 frame for single marker or longer section for span markers.
Create a Render Preset you would like to use with this Script on the deliver page in resolve, make sure to set “Filename uses” to “Custom name”.
In the deliver page, in the toolbar, click “Workspace > Scripts > Markers to Render Queue”
In the “What color marker should be exported?” drop down select a color to export, or choose all
In the “What preset should I use?” drop down select the desired preset that all clips will render at.
In the “What timeline should I use?” drop down select the timeline to export markers from.
In the “What should it be named?” text box type the name you’d like the .txt file to have. The following dropdown has options for “.”, “_”, or “#” to be added to the end of the name
Hint: Adding # to the file name will have the file names count up (ex. prores# -> prores1, prores2, prores3)
To select export path, click “Select Export Location” and navigate to the desired folder then click “Choose”.
Hint: The “Please select a folder” text should change to the path you’ve selected.
Click “Add to Render Queue” to populate the render queue with all the markers in the timeline with the settings you just filled out!